VFX Artist Compositor
I created a Sci Fiction scene that incorporates live-action character footage integrated into a modelled 3D environment and VFX workflow:
The Project
The project's core objective was to create a cinematic photo-realism and showcase my VFX compositing skills in a short scene that allowed me to create and utilise a photo-real live-action character composited into a 3D environment.
Additionally, this project was aimed to both develop and showcase more of my technical experience.
What I Did
I worked on every aspect of development. I was responsible for creating the 3D environment, the physics simulations, the shockwave from the engine and building the 3D character models, the various ships, props, and buildings featured. I began filming with my Lumix camera shooting myself in 4K sat reading in front of a well-lit green screen. I then rotoscoped my image from the greenscreen footage converting it into an image sequence with a transparent background. Using the sequence I then exported it as a transparent plane that interacted with the light in my 3D scene, I was able to cast a shadow in the environment and place the plane in the distance for the camera to move in towards to create a controlled parallax. I also decided to have the ship cast a green light as it flew overhead of my image, in an attempt to sell that I was in the environment I automated a green hue shift on the image to fade in and out as the green light of the ship passed by. Being conscious of how the physical interactions between each object would affect the environment became a useful guide to inform my scene and keep it grounded in some form of reality.
The End Result
I'm proud of the world I created in the scene learning a great deal, I want to do more using the techniques I developed. The project was successfully completed and showcased on YouTube, being one of my most viewed videos to date.
Cinematic VFX Short